Friday, November 17, 2006

Jurassic Park, Thailand

Anyone who thinks Thailand is where they rebuilt Velociraptor DNA to bring dinosaurs back to life in order to make the world’s greatest theme park is in for a big disappointment. Further, anyone who thinks Isaan’s (spelled on the sign as I-San) Jurassic Park is home to enormous collections of rare Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus bones is also in for a big disappointment. Unfortunately, unless you’re amazed by small collections of not-so-spectacular fossils, you’re going to be fantastically under whelmed by I-San Jurassic Park.

That doesn’t stop Thais from taking pride in their rich dinosaur history though. Just because they haven’t found any major collections of bones doesn’t mean dinosaurs didn’t once roam these mountains and valleys. In fact, Thais are so proud of their small fossil finds, dinosaurs have become the mascot for the entire region, printed on t-shirts, store fronts, and huge replicas of the classic dinosaurs (not the ones fossilized at I-San Jurassic Park) stand at the welcome gates of the town.

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