Terima Kasih, Sama Sama
Sandakan is a strange little town. The former capitol of Borneo before WWII, the Japanese reduced it to rubble and today it is rebuilt to little more than a port town and former home of the not-so-famous author, Agnes Keith. Walking around was interesting. A third of the people gave me strange stares, a third of the people smiled at me, and the other third walked by me without notice.Walking around town with my camera hanging around my neck, several groups of people asked me to take their picture. Some of them spoke English and we talked for a bit, others, for whatever reason, just wanted their picture taken. Here's some of them:
These punks put a lot of effort into the hagard clothes, odd hairdos, and extreme piercings. My favorite: the kid in the white's cut umbrella.
These two ladies worked a tiny restaurant where I had lunch. They also took pictures of me with their camera phones. When I paid, they asked if I could pay them in a single dollar bill instead of 3 Malaysian Ringgit.
These Malaysian dudes stopped me walking down the street just to pose for a pic. No English, nothing other than "photo! photo!" They posed and were on their way.
The back pocket of my shorts had a hole big enough that my wallet would fall out of it. This set up his sewing business on the sidewalk and fixed my pocket in a matter of minutes for 1 RM.
These are fisherman's kids who, when I walked by, were fishing a watermelon out of the filthy water of the Sandakan harbor. These kids loved the camera and loved to see their picture on the display after I took the shots.
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