Remember Me? The slightly more obscure characters we met along the way
Talk about people you don't want to be next to on the train. If you look up close you can see the creepy cuts all over his face but fortunately for you, there's no way his smell can permeate from your computer. He liked Sara. He told her about his family problems while he drank his cheap beer.
Elisio is a photographer from Mexico City. We practiced our forgotten Spanish with him while wandering around Moscow at night. He wasn't quite as crazy as us which meant he got left in the wake but he was an interesting character.
These kids were enamored with Sara and just before we were all trying to sleep. She was a trooper and hung out with them but I couldn't be asked to converse and went to bed instead.
These two Belgians bet us we wouldn't remember their names. Well, um... they were right. But they were also the people who didn't mind not knowing where we were from in the states because it "was all the same" to them anyways. I'm just bitter than I lost in poker.
It doesn't get much cuter than this. The question is, can those who were on this journey remember which of the many trains we rode was this photo taken on. The correct answer? On the leg between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk.
The obscure character here isn't the Russian party person, but the outboard motor sitting behind him. It was the same motor that took us tubing on Lake Baikal the day before.
This guy. A vodka pusher. The type that suddenly regretted not paying attention in English class back in school when he couldn't piece together a conversation. But that's how it was in Siberia, and when conversation got flat, we just took out the camera.
The best thing we brought on our trip was the Incredible Friend-Making Machine, the Frisbee. On an evening in the small sea, we met this entire group of people. We did vodka shots and tried to hit empty beer bottles off wooden posts. Siberia!
This guy needs more face time. Just look at him; he opened all of our beers for us with his teeth. Thanks man.
If we only knew the trouble these guys would get us into. Max the Lawyer. Here we are enjoying some of our first Russian pivos at a long train stop.
Some of the sweetest kids on the planet, these Mongolian little people played basketball with us on a dirt court. I blocked all their shots. Just kidding, I played nice, that's why it looks like they like me.
Peter and this Chinese girl had a thing for each other. He saw her walking down the street in such a beautiful outfit and said, "Ni-how." Just kidding. She was our waitress. But it was cute that he asked for an umbrella and she held it for him as he toured the gardens.
SHAO PUNK-UH! Easily one of the most eccentric characters we met along the way, since she didn't like the music of Flumie's 80's night, Shao Punk broke it down on the dance floor with her headphones in her ears.
Courtesy of the zoom lens, here's the girl that stole all of our attention outside the Church of Spilled Blood.
Peter showed these kids a thing or two about soccer outside Tibetan Buddhist temples in Ulaanbaatar.
Even Sara said the same thing when we met this guy: "Damn, your girlfriend is hot."
The first and still the only time I've ever had anyone waiting for me with my name on a placard. Thank you LG Hostel.
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