Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ants: Resolution (read "ANTS" posts before)

At first glance it looked like a big crack winding across my bedroom wall, traveling from one corner to the other, up and over the door. Immediately aware it didn’t belong, I focused my eyes and saw the crack moving. It was the ants again. Where they were coming from or where they were going I had no idea, but their two points of visible travel were holes in my wall, and the little black spots scurried from one to the other with some important mission in their tiny little ant brains.

Shoes I could throw out the window, but now they decided to take over my home. I was at a loss for what to do. Pee Took came to have a look, and peered into the ant holes as if to see what exactly the ants were up to in there, behind the walls.

Then he hit the wall hard with his fist. Like a reading on seismograph, the perfect line of ants scattered in different directions then slowly fell back into order. From the main crack in the wall ants began to pour out. I was unsure how this was helping out situation. Pee Took made a Thai sort of “tsk tsk” sound shaking his head then without saying a word, walked out of my room.

Ten minutes later the ants calmed down, returned to their crack and trail along the wall, and Pee Took came back with a spray can of ant killer. He flooded the holes with it and the ants went haywire. They must have spread the message down the line quickly because even the winding path on the wall split and ants started running in all directions. The floor started to collect small little black dots.

Just when I thought that would be enough, the ants kept coming. Just when I thought we must have killed them all, more came rushing out and then, they started coming out another hole in the next room. I can’t imagine how many ants were —or still are— in my home. Next we took to chalking up all the cracks with poison. Instead of wasting an entire spray can of ant killer, we just lined the holes with the white chalk and watched the ants continue to pour out. This method was just as effective but much slower. The ants ran out, tried to get away, then started to act drunk, walking funny, then fell to the ground.
My floor became a mass grave of ants. It was half disgusting and half amazing. Pee Took then explained to me that it was the rain. At first I thought he meant that when you find huge amounts of ants, it means it’s going to rain. What he really meant, and what makes more sense, is that when it rains the ants all run inside. It had just rained and all the ants came to post up in my place for a while. Pee Meaw wasn’t so sure though—she maintained with her same theory that she put forth about my shoes: jealous Thai girls were stuffing desserts in the cracks of my walls.

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