Thai Christmas
For the first time in their lives, Mon, Min, Bam, and Tam decorated a Christmas Tree. Using a small, fake tree instead of a freshly cut pine tree didn't bother them one bit. As if they knew about Santa's list of naughty and nice, the kids worked together to decorate the tree with stars, little bells and candy canes, waiting until the end to place the star on their short tree. While decorating, Bam (in the blue shirt and grey sweats), was singing "Ingle Bell, Ingle Bell, Ingle all la way... Oh wah-wah-la, la, la..." in tune, but without any of the proper lyrics. Still, I was impressed by both her knowing the song and by her sincere Christmas cheer. Doesn't she know that Santa can't visit their house when they don't have a chimney?
All of us posing with the tree, which will now sit in the living room waiting expectantly for—small—wrapped presents to be placed beneath it.
Perhaps it should have waited for Christmas Day, but the kid in me couldn't wait to break open Twister and have some good, old-fashioned American fun. It took only a small lesson of new English vocabulary and all the kids could play with zeal. Though they had fun, Thais are still hesitant on the Twister mat, because showing, and especially touching someone with, the bottom of your foot is a big, big no-no.
With Twister and a Christmas tree, I think all the kids are ready to travel to America to give it a try.
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