Monday, August 20, 2007

Under the Red Sea

These photos were all taken by Tarik A. Fatah who dove along with us for two dives. He also shot the videos posted below this.Could we look more like dorks? Few if any wet suits were made with fashion in mind and rentals can be horrible. Still, the best part about this picture isn't the thumb up and goofy look on my face but the mountains set as the backdrop to our dive.Once in the water it was time to slip on our fins and spit in our masks.We swam through the shallows for only a moment before we dropped down to the reef below.Honestly, I can't be sure that's the two of us silhouetted in the background but it's a cool photo.Me, alone, checking out the reef.And here's Ash, probably barely breathing at all.Though not that exciting of a creature, this is a cool photo of a giant clam.They're extremely common in the Red Sea but everyone loves clown fish. What's cooler is that if you swim up and watch the sea anemone closely, you can usually find invisible cleaner shrimp living on it as well.Same as the photo a couple posts below, here's another puffer fish.Easily one of my favorite photos he took, this is a great up-close shot of a rock fish.

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