Monday, August 20, 2007

Who needs the Discovery Channel when you can see this with your own eyes?

This video is nothing short of awesome. In the beginning it's difficult to discern what the video is of but suddenly an octopus appears from the reef. The video captures it climbing on the reef and then heading out into open water to get away from us. As it goes over the edge of the coral it disappears from view completely but look close and you'll see it nearly perfectly camoflouged against the corals. If you can't see it, look for it moving as it breathes in and out. If you still can't see it, keep watching and you'll see it change colors before swimming off again. Better still, when the octopus is hidden against the reef, look to its right and below it; there are three lion fish hanging around near by. This video and the two following it (the other two are far less exciting) were taken by the head of Penguin Divers, Tarik A. Fatah who went diving along with us on this dive at the Canyon Gardens.

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