Thai "Dogs"
First, please let me appologize for these horrific pictures. I know they're disgusting, but perhaps that's part of their charm. Or that's part of why you must see them. It's not all mangoes and sticky rice in Thailand. Like any country it has its problems and one that is particularily bad in Ban Phe is stray dogs. And these dogs are hardly even dogs; these diseased, mangled creatures defy death and carry on living their sad lives despite the laws of nature.
This has been something I've always struggled with in Thailand and have always wondered why something isn't done about it. The Thais never seem to mind the dogs, or, at least they don't mind shoo-ing them away. But none are ever neutered and they just keep humping. Its crazy becuase it seems like the only healthy part of these dogs is their balls.
I'm not sure this is accurate, but it's how I come to terms with the zombie dog phenomena: this is a Buddhist country and everyone believes in reincarnation. Though some people do, good Buddhists never kill animals; even monks brush mosquitos off their arms instead of splatting them. Thus, I think, the dogs are not killed because of the Buddhism and further, perhaps these disgusting dogs are the worst people of the last generation. All of those people who really were assholes in their past lives are now paying the price. The murderers, rapists, or other "evil-doers" of the past are now subject to the lowest rung of the reincarnation hierarchy: the life of a Thai dog.
So now when I see this dogs, I don't feel sorry for them, I pick up a rock and I say, "Hey buddy, don't blame me for this one. You brought this upon yourself." After all, these aren't just diseased dogs, they are Pol Pot or Jeffery Dahmer or perhaps one of the 9/11 hijackers.
So let this be a lesson to us all: be good to your fellow man, take care of those less fortunate of you, if for no better reason than because the hell you could receive in retribution for an evil life could be the life of a Thai dog.
1 comment:
HA. And to think that there's not been one comment regarding the brilliant pulchritude of my, um, artistic fixation...i suppose some things just aren't worth the emoticon, but i can't resist:)
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