Thursday, January 18, 2007

How do you say "How much for that muumuu?" in Thai?

The muumuus at the market. I didn’t even notice them, I wasn’t even sure what they were, but they caught Lauren’s eye and she had to look through the rack. I thought it was one of those times when you stop to look at something not because you would actually ever consider buying it, but because your so amazed at the shirt, or the muumuu, or the whatever it happened to be, and you think, wow, someone actually buys these and wears them, otherwise they wouldn’t be selling them, right? But Lauren wasn’t stopping to laugh, she was stopping to buy.

I wasn’t the only one in awe. The Thai family selling the muumuus was watching Lauren browse through their collection with blank stares of utter confusion. It was like a hippie the falang actually liked them. They watched her carefully either way, just in case she was actually interested in buying one, even if it was just a joke buy - a totally useless present you could give as a gift just to see how long your friend takes it seriously and pretends to like it and fakes being grateful, thinking, what the hell? she went all the way to Thailand brought back a muumuu as a gift? A muumuu? Afterall, nothing says “Thailand” like a muumuu. But it didn’t matter to the Thais, a sale is a sale is a sale, and it doesn’t matter why they sold it, just that they traded their clothes for cash.

But then Lauren wanted to try it on and suddenly it was clear that she was not only serious about buying it but she was buying it for herself. She even asked for a mirror to make sure it looked good and then (and I find this funny, but hell, I’m the one without any fashion sense and Lauren’s the one who fashion comes to naturally) she looked and thought about it, then said, Yes, this looks good, I’ll buy it, even before even asking the price.

And I was loving it, watching the smiles on the Thais’ faces, their excitement that a beautiful uber-fashionable falang came and bought some of their muumuus. That totally meant their clothes were cool and fashionable and I imagined they hoped she would wear it around so perhaps Lauren and her new muumuu would start a new muumuu fad in Isaan and they would be the ones to reap the benefits, 40 Baht a buy. And then, only after she bought them, did they start to ask questions about us, where we were from, what were we doing there, if we wanted to make it three muumuus for 100 Baht, but two was enough for one day, with two we already made their day, or their week, with that single sale.

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