Friday, January 19, 2007

A quiz of pointless but nonetheless at least slightly interesting aspects of Thai life

1. What is Lauren holding?

A: Her allotted rations of food, beverages, and toiletries for her week’s stay here in Buakhao.

B: Tesco-Lotus’ new Beach CarePak, the “beach picnic in a bucket”.

C: A gift from Pee Meaw to Lauren, Thailand’s equivalent to a fruit basket.

D: Lauren’s bucket of alms to give to a monk in order to make merit at a local Wat.

2. What is this beautiful animal?

A: A Thai dog sticking his nose into the wooden wall of my bathroom.

B: A wild pig looking to get a hand out.

C: The pot-bellied pig I ride to school when my bike won’t start.

D: Dinner.

3. What is this silly wood contraption?

A: A wood “clapper” used to scare animals away from the local crops.

B: A pillow.

C: A Thai puzzle in which you have to separate the two pieces without breaking either.

D: The propeller of a boat.

4. What is this a picture of?

A: A kiln for making charcoal.

B: A holy place for the cremation of poor Buddhists.

C: 2006’s “Worst Bathroom in Thailand.”

D: The remnants of a house still haunted by the people who died when it burned down.

5. Why was Min making fun of the other kids in this picture?

A: They were playing with cows.

B: They were playing with cow shit.

C: They were shy because they had never seen a falang before.

D: All of the above.

6. What is this vehicle?

A: What I traded my bike for straight up because they guy said it would be a “pussy magnet.”

B: Ford’s attempt at getting an edge in the SE Asian car market.

C: The overnight bus to Bangkok.

D: A Thai tractor.

7. What is this on the road?

A: Thai road kill.

B: A frog pancake.

C: Mon and Min’s pet frog, “Greenie” who forgot to look both ways.

D: Dried frog, a Thai delicacy.

8. What is going on in this picture?

A: A ghost is immerging from the forest.

B: A young boy is chasing after his lost ball.

C: A young boy is hunting bugs for dinner.

D: Min is peeing in the sugarcane field.

9. What fruit is this?

A: Poison fruit.

B: Tiger fruit.

C: Dragon fruit.

D: Chocolate Chip.

10. What is this small building?

A: Thai Barbies’ My First Traditional Teak Home.

B: A spirit house.

C: A learning center for ants who don’t read good.

D: A birdhouse.

(The answers: 1:D, 2:B, 3:B, 4:A, 5:D, 6:D, 7:A, 8:D, 9:C, 10:B.)


Anonymous said...

This is much better then to leave a message. You should send out a big email about once a month. I think a lot of folks forget to just go to your site.

Love you.

Mom and Dad

Jenny said...

Followed by the most beautiful pictures ever, as usual.